Along with the honor of earning a college degree comes the need to pay for it all after graduation. Some students are lucky and have parents to pay for college, while others work hard and earn scholarships. If you have to pay for college yourself, you will have huge student loans to work off after you leave. The problem with student loans is that most students don't understand what they are getting into once they graduate. There are deferments and forbearance you can apply for if funds are low. These will give you a grace period before you have to begin paying off your loans. While these can help when money is tight, the interest continues to build up. In some cases, when payments are missed, students end up facing defaulted student loans.
When this happens, you can kiss your credit rating goodbye. Defaulted student loans that show up on your credit report may stop any bank or other lending institution from extending a loan to you for a home, or for any other reason you may need to borrow money. If you don't get these loans fixed and up to date, they will follow you around forever. Even worse, there are some companies that will buy defaulted student loans, and they will be very persistent in trying to get you to pay up. They buy the loan as a risk, hoping to make a profit from your misfortune, or your inability to handle money. These people are as diligent as bill collectors, and won't leave you much peace.
To avoid defaulted student loans, keep in touch with your loan company or companies, and let them know what is going on. They may find ways to help lower your payments, or help you get a deferment so you have a little breathing room. They really don't want you to default, and will help you stay on track if at all possible. Chances are, your interest rate on your loans is very high. In the end, you may end up paying more for the interest than the actual loan. This is why when you end up with defaulted student loans, you may be shocked to see the amount you owe has doubled since you first took out the loans for your education.
Take every step possible to avoid defaulted student loans. You don't want them marring your credit, and making it hard for you to get a loan for the many times in life when you need one. Not only will you have a hard time getting a home loan, you may not get a loan for a new car, or an emergency that may pop up.
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