Sunday, 14 October 2012

Student Loans With No Credit Check: How to Skip Bad Credit Worries

Like everyone else that has bad credit scores, students face a stressful time when they are trying to secure funding to cover their college tuition. But there are student loans with no credit checks to be found, loans that skip the whole issue of credit histories. These loans are far more prevalent than it might seem, and approval is almost guaranteed.

The attraction, of course, is that with no credit scores considered in the loan application, there is no time taken up in checking credit histories, and less reason presented to deny the application at all. Therefore, guaranteed fast loan approval is almost certain, making the chances of securing the much-needed funds almost 100%.

However, as with every kind of financial arrangement, there are factors that need to be taken into account. Not least is the fact that the student loan does need to be paid back, so a method of repayment needs to be evident.

Students and Bad Credit

It might seem unfair that students are considered to be bad credit borrowers from the very beginning. The fact is that credit scores are built up over time, and since a student usually is coming straight from high school, they have no history of repaying loans themselves. So, they start on the bottom rung, leaving student loans with no credit checks their ideal funding option.

Of course, not all students have come straight from high school, with mature students leaving the workforce to further their education and their job prospects. They may bring with them a poor credit history, which obviously makes a guaranteed fast loan approval without the worry of a credit check highly attractive.

The acknowledgement that students are bad credit borrowers by default rather than by their own fault, is reflected in the allowances given with student loans. For example, the period of grace before having to begin repayments, or the interest-only repayments until graduation.

Federal Loans

In reality, the only feasible option in seeking student loans with no credit check is the federal option. Federal sponsored financial aid for students is a popular source of funding for millions of students every year, and there is a selection available to choose from. Bad credit plays no part in the application assessment process, with the loans specifically designed to help those in need of financial help.

The starting point is to submit a Free Application for Federal student Aid (or FAFSA), from which the federal government will assess which loans the applicant qualifies for. Once the right one is selected, qualification is assured, so guaranteed fast loan approval is a formality. The most common loan programs available are the Stafford and the Perkins programs.

These student loans are specifically designed to make going to college affordable to those who are otherwise unable to find the funds to pay for college fees and living expenses. But because of the popularity, and budgetary constraints at the Department of Education, it is important to move fast to be assured of financing.

The Online Option

While federal loans are the most common option when seeking student loans with no credit checks, there are also similar loan options to be found on the Internet. Online lenders tend to offer highly competitive terms on financing for everything, including college fees. And because most lenders there show no interest in credit scores either, and have a high-speed application processing system, guaranteed fast loan approval is also possible.

Where it may fall behind the federal option is in the repayment scheme, with most online lenders expecting repayments to be made from the time the loan is awarded. However, student loan repayments are smaller than those of normal personal loans, increasing every two years to ensure a manageable repayment structure is maintained.

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Getting Student Loans With Bad Credit Is No Problem for College Goers

There is a slightly romantic view of college ingrained in the minds of those who have never been thanks to TV and movies. They tend to believe that the experience has more to do with parties and sleeping until noon rather than tutorials and hours studying in the library. Worrying about getting approval on a student loan with bad credit does not come into the picture.

Sadly, the romantic image is quite far from the truth, though socializing is very much part of the student timetable. But the reality is that hard work and worrying over finances are both part of the college equation. For many, only by securing a student loan with bad credit can they actually pay tuition and graduate.

The trick, however, is in securing that loan in the first place, with bad credit a particular hindrance when going to traditional lenders. But there are other financing avenues to see student loan approval despite bad credit achieved, ensuring that the student can cover their tuition costs.

Choices in student loans

It would be a mistake to believe that the only place to get a student loan with poor credit is a bank or other traditional lending institution. The fact is there is a range of public and private lending options available to college goers, with various advantages and disadvantages.

A public lender relates to the federal government, which are involved in
student loans with bad credit in order to ensure the highest possible percentage of the population attain the level in education required to get good jobs. This, after all, benefits the local and national workforce and economy.

Meanwhile, private lenders range from banks and credit unions to online lenders. The options available from these sources can vary dramatically, but student loan approval despite poor credit is more challenging too. And even when approval is secured, the interest rates can be high.

Publicly Sourced Student loans

The simple fact to remember is that public
loans are designed specifically to aid students who are in financial difficulties, making them ideal as student loans with bad credit go. They have very low rates of interest and flexible repayment schedules that usually begin only after graduation, thereby allowing the borrower to concentrate on their studies.

The principal loan options are the Perkins loan program and the Stafford loan program. The Perkins option is reserved for those students in acute financial need, but these loans with bad credit are limited in number so early application is advised. Stafford loans are available to students either subsidized, where the government pays the interest during college, or not.

With any government sponsored or subsidized loan, however, credit rating is irrelevant, so approval despite
bad credit is really just a formality, if your qualification is confirmed.

Privately Sources Student loans

When it comes to seeking privately sourced student loans with poor credit, the terms are not as good as public loans. But given that applicants need to prove a financial need, rather than simply an ability to repay, not everyone can get one. The private option, therefore, is often necessary.

Interest rates can be quite high, but some lenders offer a repayment freeze, which means the loan does not have to be repaid until after graduation. However, it is important to ascertain whether the loan approved features accumulated interest. If so, then approval despite bad credit could be a hex in disguise.

The best rates are available online, with lenders there offering better deals to attract applicants. What is more, most will also ignore the credit rating, so student loans with bad credit are more accessible. Still, read the fine print to ensure no high hidden charges.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Student Loans With Bad Credit Help People Onto the Education Route

The economic difficulties that the nation is experiencing has placed many of us in financial hot water. But in such times, it is not unusual for the powers that be to look to the future - and education is certainly an investment in the future. It is not unusual either for many people in such difficult situations to seek retraining and career changes, and return to college with the aid of student loans.

These loans are not nearly as difficult to get approval on if an applicant approaches the right lender and meet the necessary criteria, but loans for students with bad credit are available from more than just banks and credit unions. There is a wide variety of loan sources, with varying degrees of strictness.

What this means is that there is every chance that, regardless of the financial situation of an applicant, the funds can be secured to pay the necessary college fees. While there are no guaranteed student loans despite bad credit the chances of success are much higher with the alternative lenders and financing sources.

Student loans are Different

It is understandable if someone with low credit scores believe that they would be unlikely to secure a student loan with bad credit. After all, when banks reject a loan application, it is placed on the credit record and can convince other lenders to reject his or her application too. But the fact is that student loans are considered different to personal loans.

Traditional lenders, like banks and credit unions, usually take a very strict view of bad credit rating, but this is not the case with all loan sources. Because the purpose of loans for students with bad credit is to fund the costs of returning to college, or even beginning a college career from high school graduation, there is a more supportive attitude shown by lenders on general.

In essence, this means that some of the strict criteria are relaxed, with some applications normally rejected for personal loans accepted for a student loan. Of course, guaranteed student loans despite bad credit do not really exist, but the chances of success are higher.

Public loans

Public loans refer to the lending that national and federal government does to aid those students who are in financial need. Of course, such student loans with bad credit are invariably available on far better terms than similar loans from banks and other lenders.

The loans are secured by filling out a FAFSA, or Free Application for Financial student Aid, which can be done on the internet. But because they are specifically loans for students with bad credit and is acute need for financial help, credit rating does not matter. What is more important is information pertaining to income and also tax returns.

There are two main loan options to applicants, namely the Perkins and Stafford loans. The former is awarded to applicants with extreme needs, while the latter is available either subsidized, when the Government pays the interest, or unsubsidized, when they do not.

Of course, in the absence of guaranteed student loans, despite bad credit, this option is the next best thing for those who qualify by reaching the required benchmarks.

Check Your Option as College

There are several financing options available to students other than student loans, and it would be wise to consult that Financial Aid Office that is open on the college campus. Every college has one, and in terms of providing accurate and helpful advice on loans for students with bad credit, their input can be invaluable.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Student Loans For College Should Be Borrowed With Discretion

A friend of mine decided when she was in college that she would take out loans to the tune of more than $100,000. I borrowed rather liberally, as well, but I soon discovered that student loans for college should be borrowed with discretion.

One thing that I found out when I first started out is that student loans for college are relatively easy to obtain. This can be a good thing and a very bad thing, especially when asking an 18- or 19-year old to make a decision about how much money they think they need. I decided for two straight years that I was not going to work to help pay for college, but was simply going to live off of the loan refunds that I made and focus on studying. Now, I wish I could go back and change that.

Another friend decided that she was going to borrow student loans for college very sparingly and work full time at a supermarket to help defray her college costs. She had a partial scholarship, which certainly helped, but she had to pay a lot out of pocket. At the time, I thought that was ridiculous, because I was under the delusion that I would actually get a job once I graduated that would pay me enough to repay my loans with relative ease. While some of my classmates who majored in such areas as business and finance certainly did, I, as a psychology major, did not.

I am very fortunate in that I have worked in a couple of areas that have allowed me to make a fairly substantial income to supplement the one that I earn from my 9-to-5 job, but it is still not as easy as I would like for it to be. student loans for college have taken a lot from my banking account, and while I am certainly happy to have a degree, I really wish that I had planned better.

Now, on the flip side of this, some of us could not have gone to school without student loans, and I was one of them. I had two scholarships to the university I attended, and it still was not enough. That is why I don't want to seem like I am ungrateful for the student loans for college that were available to me at the time, because they really helped. What I am saying is that if I had to do it all over again, I think I would have planned a little bit better and not borrowed quite so much. I think it would make it a lot easier on me today.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Student Loans Can Be Cleared in More Than Just One Way

Lenders tend to share the same opinion that student loans should be offered on more flexible terms that other loans. This is great news for students, who might otherwise seriously struggle to handle the financial pressures. But, the loans will have to be repaid eventually, meaning the debt hangs over them until graduation.

The idea of the scheme is that a student graduates, gets a job and then repays the loan, by which time the interest built up will be substantial. In fact, loans for students are highly flexible because even when it comes time to pay, the repayment schedule can be negotiated.

Not only that, but periodic payments when a student is flush, usually after the summer break spent working, helps to reduce these loans to cover student expenses and fees. In fact, there are a number of ways in which graduates can repay their loan debt.

Repaying Independently

The most obvious method is to simply pay the student loan off though an agreed monthly repayment plan. This can usually be done automatically, with the money required simply taken out of the salary figure deposited into an account on pay day. This works well because of the structure, but the only catch is the graduate needs to have found a job.

The advantages to lenders offering loans for students is that they tend to develop a healthy relationship with their young customers. But part of developing that relationship is to be flexible. For that reason, it is possible for students to meet with their loan officer and work out an affordable repayment scheme.

The fact is that loans to cover student expenses and college fees can add up to quite a lot over the course of university life. By the time of graduation, the student might own $150,000. So, negotiating a workable repayment solution is essential. It may take 15 years to repay the loans, but it can be more easily handled that trying to pay the sum over 5 or even 10 years.

Debt Consolidation

Of course, it is possible too that student loans came from a number of sources. For example, the loan from one lender for $25,000 was added when extra cash was required, of $5,000. Perhaps one or two other loans were picked up along the way, as particular financial difficulties cropped up.

The sheer number makes it necessary to consolidate all these loans for students into one management figure. This simplifies the situation, reduces the repayment amount, and can effectively lessen the financial burden.

Unfortunately, because the lenders have already been patient in issuing loans to cover student expenses and fees with a repayment delay of maybe 5 years, the interest rate can be high. Over 20 years or more, the total interest paid can be huge, but the important thing is that the repayments are manageable, and not a struggle.

Alternative Payment

There are other ways to pay student loans, without having to actually pay any money. For many, this is a very attractive prospect, but of course nothing is for free in this world. The scheme involves a graduate either serving their debt in the armed forces or doing community service.

This method is referred to as loan forgiveness, and allows the graduate to write off a large portion of these loans for students each year, and over a number of years pay it off completely.

Under the GI Bill, for example, military service will wipe as much as $20,000 off the debt, while a further $5,000 per year will be removed from the total owed if the graduate teaches in deprived urban areas or in isolated rural communities.

In this way, loans to cover student expenses end up helping to get these same students involved in community activities.