Saturday, 19 March 2011

Student Loan Leverage: Set Up 8 Income Streams Around Any Study

When starting out on your student life with any student loan, everything is a new experience. However one of the biggest downsides to all this is to ensure your student loans spending is kept under control. This is all the time throughout your student days. And this is made that much more difficult right from the start as you have to buy loads of new text books to start your studies. This is as well as having to buy your own laptop and printer. So there are a lot of costs incurred right from the start. Soon the amount on your student loan starts to look rather big.

Next you have heard some of the horror stories of how much some owe on their student loan, when finishing their studies. And to make it even worse, the graduate jobs are no longer out there. All professions are cutting back. So it means you'll be taking that much longer to pay back what you owe on your student loan. But you don't want this hanging over you for years. So you now start looking at the various options. That is how to reduce your student loan and ways to subsidise your student life.

Why part-time jobs are not really the answer

The first option is looking for part-time jobs locally. Yes, this is a great option if it offers flexible working times. But the other consideration to bear in mind, are there any additional travelling costs? And does it take up much of your time travelling to and from where you live or study. But the real problem is you'll start to put in even more hours to keep your student loan in check.

Yes, working longer hours may be helping your student loan out and subsidise your other spending, but the chances are your studies are now starting to suffer. You're now under pressure to get assignments in on time. You'll find you've no longer have the time to do things. Your student life is starting to be affected.

The real problem with earning in the traditional way, it's linear in nature. This is how 97% of incomes are earned. That is for every hour you work you are paid a set amount, only once. And the only way to earn more is do one of the following:

1. Try to get a pay rise

2. Put in even more hours

3. Find another job with a higher salary

But the real problem with linear is you can only put in so many hours. So this dictates how much you can possibly earn. Much of this will depend on the amount of hours you can put in. Yes, setting yourself up in business lets you earn even more. But even then you are governed by the business and by the hours you can put in.

Use student loan leverage and have residual incomes

But the good news, there is an alternative to earning money than through linear incomes. Many think it does not really apply to them. It is residual incomes. That is you only have to do something once and yet you are paid again and again for it. So there is no limit on how much you can earn from having done something only once. So if you want even more income coming in all you need to do is set up even more income streams on exactly the same basis. Many start by setting up at least 8 income streams. But the real benefit is there is no limit on how much you can earn from each income stream.

What passive incomes can do for you

And all you need to do to start setting up your own residual incomes, is do exactly the same as those that have been making a living out of it full time for some time. And most of these do it only on a part-time basis as they can afford to. Many prefer to spend long periods of quality with their family instead. And when they take holidays abroad they can still do it. Some have even said the 2 hour week maintenance is too much like hard work. So they have even out sourced that to others for a small flat fee from the income generated each and every month.

You're shown how to do it step by step all the way. Nothing is left out. You're not left wondering what to do next. And best of all this can be done around your studies when you have a free moment or period. And to set these up, cost next to nothing depending on how you set them up. And once you have set up one you just do the same again. Just set up as many income streams as you want. As they very much look after themselves, you can set up as many as you want. Some take more looking after than others. But to look after them all should take no more than 2 hours a week in all. So this allows you to spend more time with the family. You decide. And should you wish to stop doing student loan leverage, you can stop your income streams just like that. There are no comebacks. Most prefer to hand it on to others for a share of the income. This is student loan leverage at its best.

And once you have set up a few, you'll see your student loan start to go down. Worried about doing it? No need to be. If you want to, you can set up your own self group of like minded friends to help each other out. This is so you can help each other out like fellow students also with student loans. But best of all you'll now be able to live your student life to the full without any financial worries or any big student loans to pay off. And during the term breaks, you can go off to see other parts of the world without the need to take up any part-time jobs like most other students. With your student days coming to an end, you'll now have little or no student loans to pay off. The next step is to find a job in your chosen career.

Plan for your future by using student loan leverage

Unlike most, when it comes to starting your working life in your chosen career, you're under no pressure. You have your passive incomes streams still working for you. So you have regular income coming in all the time to keep you afloat. So even if you have no job there is no real financial pressure on you. And when you start work, you can set up even more passive income streams to supplement your main day job income. This could be so you can buy the right house or flat in the best areas. In the meanwhile other ex students with huge student loans struggle when they start their working life. They find it hard to make ends meet every month. They still have to pay off all of their student loan for years to come.

This is your route map of how to stay ahead of others financially by setting up your own passive income streams that are residual in nature, just like those that do this for a living full time.

Tag : student loans,student loans leverage,study

Friday, 11 March 2011

Meet College Expenses Through Affordable Federal And Private Student Loan Options

Obtaining student loans have become pretty inevitable over the time owing to high tuition fees and other college expenses. Students normally are always having an eye out for the affordable loans to meet their college expenses and when it comes to affordability, most of the students find the federal loan programs of immense help. However, over quite some time now, the private student loans programs have aroused discussions regarding being more affordable and convenient than even the federal loan programs. Federal loans no wonder were earlier on the best financial assistance option, the students could think of since they have less interest charges and offer a number of ways for repaying the amount. However, now there is a continuous debate surrounding whether the private student loans being affordable are a good loan option or students still need to get hold of the federal loans.

Well, federal student loans without doubt are one of the best options for paying college fees as the interest charges you have to bear are pretty nominal plus you can take advantage of the loan consolidation options as well in order to make the repayment process even easier for yourself once you are done with your graduation. Moreover, you can also get benefit from the programs like income-based repayment options introduced by federal loan programs. All these options help the students in a great way to make repayments without much hassle despite having a financial situation that is quite troublesome. More importantly, you can get rid of a student federal loan debt in case you are a public service employee. Now this is something really helpful for the students.

However, reportedly now even the private loans are offering quite reduced interest charges with feasible repayment options and there are some luring schemes that offer 25% off of the actual amount for the students who have been paying the amounts regularly without making lapse. Now this feature no wonder is quite enticing for the hapless students who have to bear the high educational expenses since it can help them get rid of a considerable amount by just making repayments regularly.

A number of different colleges, universities now are providing students with student loan choices since most of the institutes are experiencing funds curtailment by state and federal governments. Although student loans have never been a first preference for students since they need to be repaid after one graduates however in case you have no other option than to borrow these loans, it is always suggested to make the choice wisely. Make sure you do some research on your part and then evaluate which loan option suits your situation better; federal or private loans. One of the simplest yet the most effective ways of evaluating if a certain loan is better for you or not is by assessing the total amount you need to pay over a certain period of time. Often the private loans have relatively more fees and extended repayment time period. So make the choice carefully.

Tag : student loans,private student loans,affordable federal student loans

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Student Education Loan: Average College Debt Is $24,000

Without addressing average college debt from the student education loan, President Obama recently declared that America remains the country to beat. "We are home to the world's best colleges and universities... where more students come to study than any other place on Earth." I tend to believe the President on that statement.

Later in the speech he told us that "America has fallen to ninth in the proportion of young people with a college degree."

I can't help but wonder -- is that necessarily such a bad thing?

Can I Get A Job To Pay My Student Education Loan?

What concerns most of us is jobs -- jobs that enable a college graduate to enter the workplace at an income level where he or she can make ends meet and manage student loan repayment without parental financial support or more government subsidies.

According to the report by The Project On Student Debt, for graduating students the average college debt is $24,000. After adding in the interest, the payback can escalate to over $31,000.

These days it's tough to find a job to cover basic overhead, and most young people don't factor in the cost of their student education loans until reality sets in. College tuition and fees have risen four times that of the median income since 1982. Graduates are not getting jobs and cannot pay off their college debt.

Teach Student Loan Finance

At 18 years old, most have no idea what field or career will fulfill them. High schools should teach student loan finance first, before these young adults take on the crushing burden of college debt for dreams of a future they cannot foresee.

According to Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa, authors of the new book, "Academically Adrift," 45% of students fail to show any improvement in critical thinking, complex reasoning, or written analysis after two years of college, dropping to 36% for seniors.

I believe it is not colleges that are failing 46 percent of the students, but rather, many of these failing students should not be there in the first place.

A senior college faculty member made the point that course expectations have declined for decades, leaving many college graduates unprepared for their future careers. Such emphasis is placed on college education in favor of the trades that inflated high school and college grades reward mediocre scholastic achievement.

Many young people who would have been more productive in a skilled trade that fulfills them are funneled through the higher academic system, but even top-tier doctors or lawyers may not be able to keep up the student loan repayment on their tab of $100,000 or more.

Student Education Loans -- Follow The Money

Current statistic show there are over 11 million enrolled in colleges and universities. Approximately 2/3 graduate with college debt.

If average student loan principle is $24,000, students must pay back college debt of $31,000.00, including the 36% of seniors who maybe should not have been there in the first place. That is approximately 1,980,000 students who have shown no progress in thinking, reasoning, or analytical skills yet have taken out student loans totaling about $47.5 billion U.S. dollars, PLUS an additional $13,860,000,000 in interest.

You read it right -- these students owe $13.8 billion in interest.

Who gets this $13.8 billion interest income? Who took over the student loan program? The federal government. The administration has a big incentive to get every young man, woman and their parents convinced they need to attend college and in debt themselves.

Reducing The Student Education Loan

Whether a young adult should attend college must be answered on a personal level. Here we seek the answer to lowering national average college debt.

One solution gaining in popularity is online classes. Usually some on-campus participation is required, while core lectures are provided by an instructor, online.

Returning students have been able to complete college educations through online degree programs. Younger students can reduce their housing and commuting expenses by taking classes at home on their computers, to avoid starting their career with a student education loan.

Tag : student loans,student education loans,college debt